- import { DATA_TEXTURE_SIZE } from '../../common/TextureAtlas/constants';
- import { SIZE_ATTENUATION_FACTOR } from '../../common/shaders/constants';
- export const vertexShader = () => {
- return `
- uniform sampler2D uTexture;
- //atlasIndex is a 256x1 float texture of tile rectangles as r=minx g=miny b=maxx a=maxy
- uniform sampler2D atlasIndex;
- attribute float size;
- attribute vec3 color;
- attribute float alpha;
- attribute float texID;
- attribute float rotation;
- varying float vRotation;
- varying vec3 targetColor;
- varying float targetAlpha;
- varying vec4 tileRect;
- varying float tileID;
- void main() {
- vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
- targetColor = color;
- targetAlpha = alpha;
- vRotation = rotation;
- tileID = texID;
- //get the tile rectangle from the atlasIndex texture..
- tileRect = texture2D(atlasIndex, vec2((tileID + 0.5) / ${DATA_TEXTURE_SIZE}.0, 0.5));
- gl_PointSize = ((size * ${SIZE_ATTENUATION_FACTOR}) / -mvPosition.z);
- gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;
- }
- `;
- };