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import { INITIALIZER_TYPE_ABSTRACT } from './types';

 * The base Emitter / Particle property class.
 * @abstract
export default class Initializer {
   * Constructs an Initializer instance.
   * @param {string} [type=INITIALIZER_TYPE_ABSTRACT] - The intiializer type
   * @param {boolean} [isEnabled=true] - Determines if the initializer should be enabled or not

   * @return void
  constructor(type = INITIALIZER_TYPE_ABSTRACT, isEnabled = true) {
    this.type = type;
    this.isEnabled = isEnabled;

   * Initializes the property on the emitter or particle.
   * @see {@link '../emitter/emitter.js'} setupParticle
   * @param {Emitter} emitter - the emitter to initialize the property on
   * @param {Particle} particle - the particle to intiialize the property on
   * @return void
  init(emitter, particle) {
    if (!this.isEnabled) {

    if (particle) {
      particle.hasBeenInitialized = true;
    } else {
      emitter.hasBeenInitialized = true;

   * @abstract
  reset() {}

   * Place custom property initialization code in this method in the subclass.
   * @param {object} target - either an Emitter or a Particle
   * @abstract
  initialize(target) {} // eslint-disable-line

   * Determines if the initializer requires a Web GL API to be provided to its constructor.
   * If true, the WebGL API will need to be provided as the first argument to the constructor
   * and fromJSON methods.
   * @return {boolean}
  static requiresWebGlApi() {
    return false;

   * Returns a new instance of the initializer from the JSON object passed.
   * @abstract
   * @param {object} json - JSON object containing the required constructor properties
   * @return {Behaviour}
  static fromJSON(json) {} // eslint-disable-line